Wednesday 27 July 2016

Dreaming of better places...

For the past year I followed a huge amount of people on Instagram to inspire me to lose weight. here I am nearly a year later and I've lost all of 10lbs, and recycling a loss and gain of another 10lbs. I've watched for months as tubby people have become skinny ninnies and gained confidence, happiness and what it is seems a life. Where as I am currently sat here in my size 16 STRETCHY  PJ bottoms wondering where it all went wrong. 

How do people do it? I watch as people are sweating it out everyday in a gym getting the 'gains' and it all just looks so..boring! I've been to gyms in the past and there is an addictive element to it, but i'm afraid the novelty has worn off, I can't commit my whole life to a gym paying £20-£30 a month on the most boring form of exercise. I'd much rather go for a bike ride, or even a run in the country, with a view rather than staring at your sweaty self on a treadmill. 

I'll always have a good week and lose it, then put it back on again, i'm not getting any bigger i'm literally sat between 227lbs-236lbs depending on what sort of week i'm having. Anyone who has just finished university can relate, i'm currently in this state of standstill, applying for jobs, with not much else going on. Which just makes me eat a heck of a lot more than I should. My problem is bread, oh my lord I could demolish a whole loaf as snack, and I have done in the past. 

It really is strange how you can go to bed at night thinking about skinny you and how from the next morning its going to happen. It is crazy, after all the overthinking I mange to convince myself that i'm going to have lost 60lbs by Christmas! of course ruining the next morning with a few slices of granary bread and humus. 

So out of not knowing what else I can do,
 I thought I would start blogging this, it feel like i'm writing a book about my life really, my own little diary. Maybe writing this down putting it all out there will help me out
This morning I actually weighed in at 237.8lbs my highest in a while actually back into that 17 stone bracket, so something definitely needs to change. Maybe i'll take my Pokemon egg hatching seriously and walk a few kilometres. 

The overall reasons? To feel normal, not the largest one in the room and to wear whatever the hell I want and still look fricking amazing!

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